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AddActivity(activities) #

Bases: Modifier

Adds specified activities.


List of activities to be added.

TYPE: list[str]

Source code in pam/policy/
def __init__(self, activities: list[str]):
    """Adds specified activities.

        activities (list[str]): List of activities to be added.

    self.activities = activities

activities = activities instance-attribute #

apply_to(household, person=None, activities=None) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def apply_to(
    household: pam.core.Household,
    person: Optional[pam.core.Person] = None,
    activities: Optional[list[pam.activity.Activity]] = None,
) -> None:
    raise NotImplementedError("Watch this space")

print() #

Source code in pam/policy/
def print(self):

Modifier() #

Bases: ABC

Base class for modifiers - these are classes which change activities in a person's plan.

In general a modifer should be able to be applied on three levels Household - apply change to all activities in all person's plans in household Person - apply change to all activities in a person's plan Activity - apply change to individual activity in a person's plan

Not all modifiers will satisfy this of course, e.g. ReduceSharedActivity only works on a household level as the activites for removal need to be shared within a household.

Source code in pam/policy/
def __init__(self):

apply_to(household, person=None, activities=None) abstractmethod #

Uses self.probability to decide if household/person/activity should be selected.


TYPE: Household


Defaults to None.

TYPE: Optional[Person] DEFAULT: None


Defaults to None.

TYPE: Optional[list[Activity]] DEFAULT: None

Source code in pam/policy/
def apply_to(
    household: pam.core.Household,
    person: Optional[pam.core.Person] = None,
    activities: Optional[list[pam.activity.Activity]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Uses self.probability to decide if household/person/activity should be selected.

        household (Household):
        person (Optional[Person], optional): Defaults to None.
        activities (Optional[list[Activity]], optional): Defaults to None.

print() #

Source code in pam/policy/
def print(self):

MoveActivityTourToHomeLocation(activities, location='home', new_mode='walk') #

Bases: Modifier

Moves a tour of activities to home location.

A tour is defined as a list of activities sandwiched between two home activities.


List of activities to be considered in a tour. Any combination of activities in activities sandwiched by home activities will be selected Does not require an exact match. E.g. if passed ['shop_food', 'shop_other'] if a person has a tour of only 'shop_food', the location of that activity will be changed.

TYPE: list[str]


Location to which the tour should be moved. Defaults to "home".

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'home'


Mode used in the legs to/from the activity when we relocate the activity. Defaults to "walk".

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'walk'

Source code in pam/policy/
def __init__(self, activities: list[str], location: str = "home", new_mode: str = "walk"):
    """Moves a tour of activities to home location.

    A tour is defined as a list of activities sandwiched between two home activities.

            List of activities to be considered in a tour.
            Any combination of activities in activities sandwiched by home activities will be selected
            Does not require an exact match.
            E.g. if passed ['shop_food', 'shop_other'] if a person has a tour of only 'shop_food', the location of that activity will be changed.
        location (str): Location to which the tour should be moved. Defaults to "home".
        new_mode (str): Mode used in the legs to/from the activity when we relocate the activity. Defaults to "walk".

    self.activities = activities
    self.default = location
    self.new_mode = new_mode

activities = activities instance-attribute #

default = location instance-attribute #

new_mode = new_mode instance-attribute #

apply_to(household, person=None, activities=None) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def apply_to(
    household: pam.core.Household,
    person: Optional[pam.core.Person] = None,
    activities: Optional[list[pam.activity.Activity]] = None,
) -> None:
    new_mode = self.new_mode
    if activities and person:
        self.move_individual_activities(person, activities, new_mode)
    elif person:
        self.move_person_activities(person, new_mode)
    elif household and isinstance(household, pam.core.Household):
        self.move_household_activities(household, new_mode)
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Types passed incorrectly: {}, {}, {}. You need {} at the very least."
            "".format(type(household), type(person), type(activities), type(pam.core.Household))

is_part_of_tour(act, tours) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def is_part_of_tour(self, act, tours: list):
    for tour in tours:
        # more rigorous check if activity in activities; Activity.__eq__ is not sufficient here
        if act.isin_exact(tour):
            return True
    return False

matching_activity_tours(plan, p) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def matching_activity_tours(self, plan, p):
    tours = plan.activity_tours()
    matching_tours = []
    for tour in tours:
        if self.tour_matches_activities(tour, p):
    return matching_tours

move_activities(person, p, new_mode='walk') #

Source code in pam/policy/
def move_activities(self, person, p, new_mode="walk"):
    tours = self.matching_activity_tours(person.plan, p)
    if tours:
        for seq in range(len(person.plan)):
            if isinstance(person.plan[seq], pam.activity.Activity):
                act = person.plan[seq]
                if self.is_part_of_tour(act, tours):
                    person.move_activity(seq, default=self.default, new_mode=new_mode)

move_household_activities(household, new_mode='walk') #

Source code in pam/policy/
def move_household_activities(self, household, new_mode="walk"):
    for pid, person in household.people.items():
        self.move_person_activities(person, new_mode=new_mode)

move_individual_activities(person, activities, new_mode='walk') #

Source code in pam/policy/
def move_individual_activities(self, person, activities, new_mode="walk"):
    def is_a_selected_activity(act):
        # more rigorous check if activity in activities; Activity.__eq__ is not sufficient here
        return act.isin_exact(activities)

    self.move_activities(person, p=is_a_selected_activity, new_mode=new_mode)

move_person_activities(person, new_mode='walk') #

Source code in pam/policy/
def move_person_activities(self, person, new_mode="walk"):
    def return_true(act):
        return True

    self.move_activities(person, p=return_true, new_mode=new_mode)

print() #

Source code in pam/policy/
def print(self):

tour_matches_activities(tour, p) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def tour_matches_activities(self, tour, p):
    if set([act.act for act in tour]) - set(self.activities) == set():
        for act in tour:
            if p(act):
                return True
    return False

ReduceSharedActivity(activities) #

Bases: Modifier

Policy that needs to be applied on a household level. For activities shared within a household (Activity.act (type of activity), start/end times and locations match). Randomly assigns a person whose activities will be retained and deletes the shared activities from other persons in household.


List of activities that should be considered for sharing. Does not require an exact match. E.g. if passed ['shop_food', 'shop_other'] if a household has an only 'shop_food' shared activity, that will be reduced.

TYPE: list[str]

Source code in pam/policy/
def __init__(self, activities: list[str]) -> None:
    """Policy that needs to be applied on a household level. For activities
    shared within a household (Activity.act (type of activity), start/end
    times and locations match). Randomly assigns a person whose activities
    will be retained and deletes the shared activities from other persons
    in household.

        activities (list[str]):
            List of activities that should be considered for sharing.
            Does not require an exact match.
            E.g. if passed ['shop_food', 'shop_other'] if a household has an only 'shop_food' shared activity, that will be reduced.

    self.activities = activities

activities = activities instance-attribute #

apply_to(household, person=None, activities=None) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def apply_to(
    household: pam.core.Household,
    person: Optional[pam.core.Person] = None,
    activities: Optional[list[pam.activity.Activity]] = None,
) -> None:
    if household and isinstance(household, pam.core.Household):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Types passed incorrectly: {}, {}, {}. This modifier exists only for Households"
            "you need to pass {}."
            "".format(type(household), type(person), type(activities), type(pam.core.Household))

is_activity_for_removal(p) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def is_activity_for_removal(self, p):
    return p.act.lower() in self.activities

people_who_share_activities_for_removal(household) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def people_who_share_activities_for_removal(self, household):
    shared_activities_for_removal = self.shared_activities_for_removal(household)
    people_with_shared_acts_for_removal = []
    for pid, person in household.people.items():
        for activity in person.activities:
            if activity.isin_exact(shared_activities_for_removal):
    return people_with_shared_acts_for_removal

print() #

Source code in pam/policy/
def print(self):

remove_activities(person, shared_activities_for_removal) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def remove_activities(self, person, shared_activities_for_removal):
    seq = 0
    while seq < len(person.plan):
        act = person.plan[seq]
        # TODO there is a bug here `act in shared_activities_for_removal` should really be
        # act.in_list_exact(shared_activities_for_removal), but if tthere is more than one
        # activity in shared_activities_for_removal and  the  activities adjoin the
        # activities morph and change time, making them not satisfy self.is_exact(other) anymore
        # in this implementation however, you risk deleting isolated activities that have the
        # same name and location but aren't shared
        if isinstance(act, pam.activity.Activity) and act in shared_activities_for_removal:
            previous_idx, subsequent_idx = person.remove_activity(seq)
            person.fill_plan(previous_idx, subsequent_idx, default="home")
            seq += 1

remove_household_activities(household) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def remove_household_activities(self, household):
    acts_for_removal = self.shared_activities_for_removal(household)
    if acts_for_removal:
        # pick the person that retains activities
        ppl_sharing_activities = self.people_who_share_activities_for_removal(household)
        if ppl_sharing_activities:
            person_retaining_activities = random.choice(
            for pid, person in household.people.items():
                if person != person_retaining_activities:
                    self.remove_activities(person, acts_for_removal)

shared_activities_for_removal(household) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def shared_activities_for_removal(self, household):
    shared_activities = household.shared_activities()
    return [act for act in shared_activities if self.is_activity_for_removal(act)]

RemoveActivity(activities) #

Bases: Modifier

Removes specified activities.


List of activities to be removed.

TYPE: list[str]

Source code in pam/policy/
def __init__(self, activities: list[str]):
    """Removes specified activities.

        activities (list[str]): List of activities to be removed.

    self.activities = activities

activities = activities instance-attribute #

apply_to(household, person=None, activities=None) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def apply_to(
    household: pam.core.Household,
    person: Optional[pam.core.Person] = None,
    activities: Optional[list[pam.activity.Activity]] = None,
) -> None:
    if activities and person:
        self.remove_individual_activities(person, activities)
    elif person:
    elif household and isinstance(household, pam.core.Household):
        raise TypeError(
            "Types passed incorrectly: {}, {}, {}. You need {} at the very least."
            "".format(type(household), type(person), type(activities), type(pam.core.Household))

is_activity_for_removal(p) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def is_activity_for_removal(self, p):
    return p.act.lower() in self.activities

print() #

Source code in pam/policy/
def print(self):

remove_activities(person, p) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def remove_activities(self, person, p):
    seq = 0
    while seq < len(person.plan):
        act = person.plan[seq]
        if self.is_activity_for_removal(act) and p(act):
            previous_idx, subsequent_idx = person.remove_activity(seq)
            person.fill_plan(previous_idx, subsequent_idx, default="home")
            seq += 1

remove_household_activities(household) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def remove_household_activities(self, household):
    for pid, person in household.people.items():

remove_individual_activities(person, activities) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def remove_individual_activities(self, person, activities):
    def is_a_selected_activity(act):
        # more rigorous check if activity in activities; Activity.__eq__ is not sufficient here
        return act.isin_exact(activities)

    self.remove_activities(person, p=is_a_selected_activity)

remove_person_activities(person) #

Source code in pam/policy/
def remove_person_activities(self, person):
    def return_true(act):
        return True

    self.remove_activities(person, p=return_true)