Modifying the population using simple policies¶
This notebook shows how simple policies can be applied to people, households, and entire populations.
from copy import deepcopy
from pprint import pprint
from pam.activity import Activity, Leg
from pam.core import Household, Person, Population
from pam.policy import (
from pam.utils import minutes_to_datetime as mtdt
from pam.variables import END_OF_DAY
def hhld_apply(household, policy):
new_hhld = deepcopy(household)
return new_hhld
def print_attributes(hhld, attribs=None):
if attribs is not None:
print(f"Household: {hhld}")
for pid, person in hhld.people.items():
print(f"Person: {pid}")
for attrib in attribs:
print(f"\t{attrib}: {person.attributes[attrib]}")
print(f"Household: {hhld}")
for pid, person in hhld.people.items():
print(f"Person: {pid}")
def instantiate_household_with(persons: list):
household = Household(1)
for person in persons:
return household
def Steve():
Steve = Person("Steve", attributes={"age": 50, "job": "work", "gender": "male"})
Steve.add(Activity(1, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(0), end_time=mtdt(5 * 60)))
Steve.add(Leg(1, "car", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(5 * 60), end_time=mtdt(6 * 60)))
Steve.add(Activity(2, "work", "b", start_time=mtdt(6 * 60), end_time=mtdt(12 * 60)))
Steve.add(Leg(2, "walk", "b", "c", start_time=mtdt(12 * 60), end_time=mtdt(12 * 60 + 10)))
Activity(3, "leisure", "c", start_time=mtdt(12 * 60 + 10), end_time=mtdt(13 * 60 - 10))
Steve.add(Leg(3, "walk", "c", "b", start_time=mtdt(13 * 60 - 10), end_time=mtdt(13 * 60)))
Steve.add(Activity(4, "work", "b", start_time=mtdt(13 * 60), end_time=mtdt(18 * 60)))
Steve.add(Leg(4, "car", "b", "a", start_time=mtdt(18 * 60), end_time=mtdt(19 * 60)))
Steve.add(Activity(5, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(19 * 60), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60)))
Steve.add(Leg(5, "car", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20)))
Activity(6, "shop_1", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50))
Steve.add(Leg(6, "walk", "b", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60)))
Steve.add(Activity(7, "shop_2", "b", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50)))
Steve.add(Leg(7, "car", "b", "a", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10)))
Steve.add(Activity(8, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10), end_time=END_OF_DAY))
return Steve
def Hilda():
Hilda = Person("Hilda", attributes={"age": 45, "job": "influencer", "gender": "female"})
Hilda.add(Activity(1, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(0), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60)))
Hilda.add(Leg(1, "walk", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 5)))
Hilda.add(Activity(2, "escort", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 5), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 30)))
Hilda.add(Leg(1, "pt", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 30)))
Hilda.add(Activity(2, "shop", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 30), end_time=mtdt(14 * 60)))
Hilda.add(Leg(2, "pt", "b", "c", start_time=mtdt(14 * 60), end_time=mtdt(14 * 60 + 20)))
Activity(3, "leisure", "c", start_time=mtdt(14 * 60 + 20), end_time=mtdt(16 * 60 - 20))
Hilda.add(Leg(3, "pt", "c", "b", start_time=mtdt(16 * 60 - 20), end_time=mtdt(16 * 60)))
Hilda.add(Activity(4, "escort", "b", start_time=mtdt(16 * 60), end_time=mtdt(16 * 60 + 30)))
Hilda.add(Leg(4, "walk", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(16 * 60 + 30), end_time=mtdt(17 * 60)))
Hilda.add(Activity(5, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(17 * 60), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60)))
Hilda.add(Leg(5, "car", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20)))
Activity(6, "shop_1", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50))
Hilda.add(Leg(6, "walk", "b", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60)))
Hilda.add(Activity(7, "shop_2", "b", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50)))
Hilda.add(Leg(7, "car", "b", "a", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10)))
Hilda.add(Activity(8, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10), end_time=END_OF_DAY))
return Hilda
def Timmy():
Timmy = Person("Timmy", attributes={"age": 18, "job": "education", "gender": "male"})
Timmy.add(Activity(1, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(0), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Leg(1, "walk", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 5)))
Timmy.add(Activity(2, "sport", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 5), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 55)))
Timmy.add(Leg(2, "walk", "b", "a", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 55), end_time=mtdt(9 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Activity(3, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(9 * 60), end_time=mtdt(10 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Leg(3, "bike", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(10 * 60), end_time=mtdt(11 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Activity(4, "education", "b", start_time=mtdt(11 * 60), end_time=mtdt(13 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Leg(4, "bike", "b", "c", start_time=mtdt(13 * 60), end_time=mtdt(13 * 60 + 5)))
Timmy.add(Activity(5, "shop", "c", start_time=mtdt(13 * 60 + 5), end_time=mtdt(13 * 60 + 30)))
Timmy.add(Leg(5, "bike", "c", "b", start_time=mtdt(13 * 60 + 30), end_time=mtdt(13 * 60 + 35)))
Timmy.add(Activity(6, "education", "b", start_time=mtdt(13 * 60 + 35), end_time=mtdt(15 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Leg(6, "bike", "b", "d", start_time=mtdt(15 * 60), end_time=mtdt(15 * 60 + 10)))
Timmy.add(Activity(7, "leisure", "d", start_time=mtdt(15 * 60 + 10), end_time=mtdt(18 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Leg(7, "bike", "d", "a", start_time=mtdt(18 * 60), end_time=mtdt(18 * 60 + 20)))
Timmy.add(Activity(8, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(18 * 60 + 20), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Leg(8, "car", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20)))
Activity(9, "shop_1", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50))
Timmy.add(Leg(9, "walk", "b", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60)))
Timmy.add(Activity(10, "shop_2", "b", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50)))
Timmy.add(Leg(10, "car", "b", "a", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10)))
Timmy.add(Activity(11, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10), end_time=END_OF_DAY))
return Timmy
def Bobby():
Bobby = Person("Bobby", attributes={"age": 6, "job": "education", "gender": "female"})
Bobby.add(Activity(1, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(0), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60)))
Bobby.add(Leg(1, "walk", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60), end_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 30)))
Bobby.add(Activity(2, "education", "b", start_time=mtdt(8 * 60 + 30), end_time=mtdt(16 * 60)))
Bobby.add(Leg(2, "walk", "b", "c", start_time=mtdt(16 * 60), end_time=mtdt(16 * 60 + 30)))
Bobby.add(Activity(3, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(16 * 60 + 30), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60)))
Bobby.add(Leg(3, "car", "a", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20)))
Activity(4, "shop_1", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 20), end_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50))
Bobby.add(Leg(4, "walk", "b", "b", start_time=mtdt(20 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60)))
Bobby.add(Activity(5, "shop_2", "b", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60), end_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50)))
Bobby.add(Leg(5, "car", "b", "a", start_time=mtdt(21 * 60 + 50), end_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10)))
Bobby.add(Activity(6, "home", "a", start_time=mtdt(22 * 60 + 10), end_time=END_OF_DAY))
return Bobby
Sampling and Policy Levels¶
smiths = instantiate_household_with([Steve(), Hilda(), Timmy(), Bobby()])
$$P_{household} = 1 - (1-P_{person})^n$$
If you have a probability that drives of any one person living in the household.
The probability of the household being chosen is then $$1 - (1-P)^n$$ where $P$ is the probability any one person being chosen and $n$ is the number of people in the household; $(1-P)^n$ is the probability of no one being picked.
hhld_apply(smiths, HouseholdPolicy(RemoveActivity(["education"]), 1)).plot()
If you have a probability that drives of any one activity a person does.
The probability of the person being chosen is then $$1 - (1-P)^n$$ where $P$ is the probability any one (relevant) activity being chosen and $n$ is the number of (relevant) activities in the person's plan; $(1-P)^n$ is the probability of no relevant activities being picked.
hhld_apply(smiths, PersonPolicy(RemoveActivity(["shop_1", "shop_2"]), 0.5)).plot()
If you have a probability that drives of any one activity a person does and you want to affect particular activities with no consequence to the person or household.
Notice that given a probability $P$ for an activity you can affect the whole household. The probability of the household being chosen is then $$1 - (1-P)^n$$ where $P$ is the probability any one (relevant) activity being chosen and $n$ is then the number of all (relevant) activities in all of the persons plans within a household; $(1-P)^n$ is the probability of no relevant activities being picked for the household.
hhld_apply(smiths, ActivityPolicy(RemoveActivity(["shop_1", "shop_2"]), 0.5)).plot()
The Policies expect certain levels of probability. For example, performing a HouseholdPolicy
is easy, you can affect a whole household using a probability at any level, household
, person
or activity
. Performing an ActivityPolicy
however means you need information at the level of the activities you want to affect.
HouseholdProbability | PersonProbability | ActivityProbability | |
HouseholdPolicy | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PersonPolicy | --- | Yes | Yes |
ActivityPolicy | --- | --- | Yes |
Joint distributions¶
You can give the SamplingProbability
classes custom samplers with joint (or not) distributions. That changes the following table
HouseholdProbability | PersonProbability | ActivityProbability | |
HouseholdPolicy | $$p$$ | $$1-(1-p)^{n_p}$$ | $$1-(1-p)^{n_{a,h}}$$ |
PersonPolicy | $$-$$ | $$p$$ | $$1-(1-p)^{n_{a,p}}$$ |
ActivityPolicy | $$-$$ | $$-$$ | $$p$$ |
- $n_p$ is the number of people in a household
- $n_{a,p}$ is the number of (relevant) activities in a person's plan
- $n_{a,h}$ is the number of (relevant) activities in a household
HouseholdProbability | PersonProbability | ActivityProbability | |
HouseholdPolicy | $$p$$ | $$1-\prod_x (1-p_x)^{n_x}$$ | $$1-\prod_{x,a}(1-p_{x,a})^{n_{x,a}}$$ |
PersonPolicy | $$-$$ | $$p_x$$ | $$1-\prod_a (1-p_a)^{n_a}$$ |
ActivityPolicy | $$-$$ | $$-$$ | $$p_a, p_{x,a}$$ |
- $p_x$ is the probability for person $x$
- $n_x$ is the number of people with probability $p_x$
- $p_a$ is the probability for activity $a$
- $n_a$ is the number of activities $a$ in a person's plan
- $p_{x,a}$ is the probability for activity $a$ for person $x$
- $n_{x,a}$ is the number of activities $a$ in a person $x$ plan
Modifier perform the actions of removing or moving activities on the chosen Policy Level and sampled using the chosen Sampling Level.
Takes a list of activities to be removed.
hhld_apply(smiths, HouseholdPolicy(RemoveActivity(["education"]), 1)).plot()
This is a HouseholdPolicy
level modifier which takes a list of activities, checks the household for those being shared (like going shopping together) and selects a person at random to still perform those activities. Those activities will be deleted for everyone else in the household.
hhld_apply(smiths, HouseholdPolicy(ReduceSharedActivity(["shop_1"]), 1)).plot()
Takes a list of activities and moves those to the home location if they form a tour. A tour is a chain of activities sandwiched by two home activities (or boundary of persons plan e.g. if person's activities are: 'work', 'home', 'shop', 'work', 'home'
(in that order), their tours are: ['work']
and ['shop', work']
hhld_apply(smiths, HouseholdPolicy(MoveActivityTourToHomeLocation(["shop_1", "shop_2"]), 1)).plot()
The result of this modifier do not show up on the plot. Below are the details of Hilda's original plan.
Person: Hilda {'age': 45, 'job': 'influencer', 'gender': 'female'} 0: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:00:00:00 --> 08:00:00, duration:8:00:00) 1: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 2: Activity(act:escort, location:b, time:08:05:00 --> 08:30:00, duration:0:25:00) 3: Leg(mode:pt, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:30:00, duration:0:30:00) 4: Activity(act:shop, location:b, time:08:30:00 --> 14:00:00, duration:5:30:00) 5: Leg(mode:pt, area:b --> c, time:14:00:00 --> 14:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 6: Activity(act:leisure, location:c, time:14:20:00 --> 15:40:00, duration:1:20:00) 7: Leg(mode:pt, area:c --> b, time:15:40:00 --> 16:00:00, duration:0:20:00) 8: Activity(act:escort, location:b, time:16:00:00 --> 16:30:00, duration:0:30:00) 9: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:16:30:00 --> 17:00:00, duration:0:30:00) 10: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:17:00:00 --> 20:00:00, duration:3:00:00) 11: Leg(mode:car, area:a --> b, time:20:00:00 --> 20:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 12: Activity(act:shop_1, location:b, time:20:20:00 --> 20:50:00, duration:0:30:00) 13: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> b, time:20:50:00 --> 21:00:00, duration:0:10:00) 14: Activity(act:shop_2, location:b, time:21:00:00 --> 21:50:00, duration:0:50:00) 15: Leg(mode:car, area:b --> a, time:21:50:00 --> 22:10:00, duration:0:20:00) 16: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:22:10:00 --> 00:00:00, duration:1:50:00)
Here are details of Hilda's plan post application of.MoveActivityTourToHomeLocation
to 'shop'
activities. Compare the location of Activities 6 and 7 with the ones above. At the moment only the Leg's destination and origin get updated, the mode choice and duration remains unchanged.
hhld_apply(smiths, HouseholdPolicy(MoveActivityTourToHomeLocation(["shop_1", "shop_2"]), 1))[
Person: Hilda {'age': 45, 'job': 'influencer', 'gender': 'female'} 0: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:00:00:00 --> 08:00:00, duration:8:00:00) 1: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 2: Activity(act:escort, location:b, time:08:05:00 --> 08:30:00, duration:0:25:00) 3: Leg(mode:pt, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:30:00, duration:0:30:00) 4: Activity(act:shop, location:b, time:08:30:00 --> 14:00:00, duration:5:30:00) 5: Leg(mode:pt, area:b --> c, time:14:00:00 --> 14:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 6: Activity(act:leisure, location:c, time:14:20:00 --> 15:40:00, duration:1:20:00) 7: Leg(mode:pt, area:c --> b, time:15:40:00 --> 16:00:00, duration:0:20:00) 8: Activity(act:escort, location:b, time:16:00:00 --> 16:30:00, duration:0:30:00) 9: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:16:30:00 --> 17:00:00, duration:0:30:00) 10: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:17:00:00 --> 20:00:00, duration:3:00:00) 11: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:20:00:00 --> 20:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 12: Activity(act:shop_1, location:a, time:20:20:00 --> 20:50:00, duration:0:30:00) 13: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:20:50:00 --> 21:00:00, duration:0:10:00) 14: Activity(act:shop_2, location:a, time:21:00:00 --> 21:50:00, duration:0:50:00) 15: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:21:50:00 --> 22:10:00, duration:0:20:00) 16: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:22:10:00 --> 00:00:00, duration:1:50:00)
Attribute Filters¶
is a conveniece class to apply policies to selected people in the population which satisfy given attributes.
print_attributes(smiths, ["gender", "age", "job"])
Household: Household: 1 Person: Steve Attributes: gender: male age: 50 job: work Person: Hilda Attributes: gender: female age: 45 job: influencer Person: Timmy Attributes: gender: male age: 18 job: education Person: Bobby Attributes: gender: female age: 6 job: education
def is_male(attribute_value):
return attribute_value == "male"
condition = {"gender": is_male}
smiths, PersonPolicy(RemoveActivity(["shop_1", "shop_2"]), 1, PersonAttributeFilter(condition))
Person-based Household Quarantine¶
policy_household_quarantine_per_person = HouseholdQuarantined(PersonProbability(0.01))
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_household_quarantine_per_person).plot()
hhld_apply(smiths, HouseholdQuarantined(1)).plot()
Remove Higher Education¶
Remove all education activity for persons over age of 17
print_attributes(smiths, ["age", "job"])
Household: Household: 1 Person: Steve Attributes: age: 50 job: work Person: Hilda Attributes: age: 45 job: influencer Person: Timmy Attributes: age: 18 job: education Person: Bobby Attributes: age: 6 job: education
def over_17(attribute_value):
return attribute_value > 17
policy_remove_higher_education = PersonPolicy(
PersonAttributeFilter({"age": over_17}, how="all"),
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_remove_higher_education).plot()
Remove Education¶
Probabilistically remove education activities from a person, and escort from people who share the household. Contraint based on the house not being care constrainted and people being able to work from home.
Example of non care constrained household¶
Let's make the Smiths household a non care constrained household with at least one adult is able to work from home and the household is not care constrained.
smiths["Steve"].attributes["wfh"] = True
smiths["Steve"].attributes["care_constrained"] = False
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["wfh"] = True
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["care_constrained"] = False
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["care_constrained"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["care_constrained"] = False
print_attributes(smiths, ["wfh", "care_constrained"])
Household: Household: 1 Person: Steve Attributes: wfh: True care_constrained: False Person: Hilda Attributes: wfh: True care_constrained: False Person: Timmy Attributes: wfh: False care_constrained: False Person: Bobby Attributes: wfh: False care_constrained: False
def attribute_False(attribute_value):
return not bool(attribute_value)
def attribute_True(attribute_value):
return bool(attribute_value)
conditions = {"care_constrained": attribute_False, "wfh": attribute_True}
# notice that the probability of the household (`HouseholdPolicy`) being chosen is driven
# by the presence of education activities (`ActivityProbability(['education'], 0.95)`)
# in the end the policy removes both education and escort (`RemoveActivity(['education', 'escort'])`)
# but the presence of escort doesn't affect the likelihood
policy_remove_any_education = HouseholdPolicy(
RemoveActivity(["education", "escort"]),
ActivityProbability(["education"], 0.95),
Non care constrained household is affected¶
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_remove_any_education).plot()
Example of care constrained household¶
smiths["Steve"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Steve"].attributes["care_constrained"] = True
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["care_constrained"] = True
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["care_constrained"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["care_constrained"] = False
print_attributes(smiths, ["wfh", "care_constrained"])
Household: Household: 1 Person: Steve Attributes: wfh: False care_constrained: True Person: Hilda Attributes: wfh: False care_constrained: True Person: Timmy Attributes: wfh: False care_constrained: False Person: Bobby Attributes: wfh: False care_constrained: False
Care constrained household is not affected¶
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_remove_any_education).plot()
Remove Leisure Activities¶
Remove all leisure activities
policy_remove_leisure = PersonPolicy(RemoveActivity(["leisure"]), PersonProbability(1))
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_remove_leisure).plot()
Move Sport Activities¶
Probabilistically move Sport activities to home location
Person: Timmy {'age': 18, 'job': 'education', 'gender': 'male', 'wfh': False, 'care_constrained': False} 0: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:00:00:00 --> 08:00:00, duration:8:00:00) 1: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 2: Activity(act:sport, location:b, time:08:05:00 --> 08:55:00, duration:0:50:00) 3: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> a, time:08:55:00 --> 09:00:00, duration:0:05:00) 4: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:09:00:00 --> 10:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 5: Leg(mode:bike, area:a --> b, time:10:00:00 --> 11:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 6: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:11:00:00 --> 13:00:00, duration:2:00:00) 7: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> c, time:13:00:00 --> 13:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 8: Activity(act:shop, location:c, time:13:05:00 --> 13:30:00, duration:0:25:00) 9: Leg(mode:bike, area:c --> b, time:13:30:00 --> 13:35:00, duration:0:05:00) 10: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:13:35:00 --> 15:00:00, duration:1:25:00) 11: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> d, time:15:00:00 --> 15:10:00, duration:0:10:00) 12: Activity(act:leisure, location:d, time:15:10:00 --> 18:00:00, duration:2:50:00) 13: Leg(mode:bike, area:d --> a, time:18:00:00 --> 18:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 14: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:18:20:00 --> 20:00:00, duration:1:40:00) 15: Leg(mode:car, area:a --> b, time:20:00:00 --> 20:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 16: Activity(act:shop_1, location:b, time:20:20:00 --> 20:50:00, duration:0:30:00) 17: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> b, time:20:50:00 --> 21:00:00, duration:0:10:00) 18: Activity(act:shop_2, location:b, time:21:00:00 --> 21:50:00, duration:0:50:00) 19: Leg(mode:car, area:b --> a, time:21:50:00 --> 22:10:00, duration:0:20:00) 20: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:22:10:00 --> 00:00:00, duration:1:50:00)
policy_move_sport = PersonPolicy(MoveActivityTourToHomeLocation(["sport"]), PersonProbability(1))
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_move_sport)["Timmy"].print()
Person: Timmy {'age': 18, 'job': 'education', 'gender': 'male', 'wfh': False, 'care_constrained': False} 0: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:00:00:00 --> 08:00:00, duration:8:00:00) 1: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:08:00:00 --> 08:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 2: Activity(act:sport, location:a, time:08:05:00 --> 08:55:00, duration:0:50:00) 3: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:08:55:00 --> 09:00:00, duration:0:05:00) 4: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:09:00:00 --> 10:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 5: Leg(mode:bike, area:a --> b, time:10:00:00 --> 11:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 6: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:11:00:00 --> 13:00:00, duration:2:00:00) 7: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> c, time:13:00:00 --> 13:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 8: Activity(act:shop, location:c, time:13:05:00 --> 13:30:00, duration:0:25:00) 9: Leg(mode:bike, area:c --> b, time:13:30:00 --> 13:35:00, duration:0:05:00) 10: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:13:35:00 --> 15:00:00, duration:1:25:00) 11: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> d, time:15:00:00 --> 15:10:00, duration:0:10:00) 12: Activity(act:leisure, location:d, time:15:10:00 --> 18:00:00, duration:2:50:00) 13: Leg(mode:bike, area:d --> a, time:18:00:00 --> 18:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 14: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:18:20:00 --> 20:00:00, duration:1:40:00) 15: Leg(mode:car, area:a --> b, time:20:00:00 --> 20:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 16: Activity(act:shop_1, location:b, time:20:20:00 --> 20:50:00, duration:0:30:00) 17: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> b, time:20:50:00 --> 21:00:00, duration:0:10:00) 18: Activity(act:shop_2, location:b, time:21:00:00 --> 21:50:00, duration:0:50:00) 19: Leg(mode:car, area:b --> a, time:21:50:00 --> 22:10:00, duration:0:20:00) 20: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:22:10:00 --> 00:00:00, duration:1:50:00)
Remove Health Activities¶
Probabilistically remove individual health activities from a person. Make vulnerable people more likely to have their health activities removed.
def discrete_joint_distribution_sampler(person, mapping, distribution):
p = distribution
for key in mapping:
value = person.attributes.get(key)
if value is None:
msg = f"Cannot find mapping: {key} in sampling features: {person.attributes}"
raise KeyError(msg)
p = p.get(value)
if p is None:
msg = f"Cannot find feature for {key}: {value} in distribution: {p}"
raise KeyError(msg)
return p
vulnerable_mapping = ["age", "gender"]
vulnerable_distribution = dict(
[{"male": i / 100, "female": i / 100, "other": i / 100} for i in range(101)],
{0: {'male': 0.0, 'female': 0.0, 'other': 0.0}, 1: {'male': 0.01, 'female': 0.01, 'other': 0.01}, 2: {'male': 0.02, 'female': 0.02, 'other': 0.02}, 3: {'male': 0.03, 'female': 0.03, 'other': 0.03}, 4: {'male': 0.04, 'female': 0.04, 'other': 0.04}, 5: {'male': 0.05, 'female': 0.05, 'other': 0.05}, 6: {'male': 0.06, 'female': 0.06, 'other': 0.06}, 7: {'male': 0.07, 'female': 0.07, 'other': 0.07}, 8: {'male': 0.08, 'female': 0.08, 'other': 0.08}, 9: {'male': 0.09, 'female': 0.09, 'other': 0.09}, 10: {'male': 0.1, 'female': 0.1, 'other': 0.1}, 11: {'male': 0.11, 'female': 0.11, 'other': 0.11}, 12: {'male': 0.12, 'female': 0.12, 'other': 0.12}, 13: {'male': 0.13, 'female': 0.13, 'other': 0.13}, 14: {'male': 0.14, 'female': 0.14, 'other': 0.14}}
policy_remove_health = PersonPolicy(
{"mapping": vulnerable_mapping, "distribution": vulnerable_distribution},
ActivityProbability(["medical"], 0.5),
print_attributes(smiths, ["age", "gender"])
Household: Household: 1 Person: Steve Attributes: age: 50 gender: male Person: Hilda Attributes: age: 45 gender: female Person: Timmy Attributes: age: 18 gender: male Person: Bobby Attributes: age: 6 gender: female
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_remove_health).plot()
Probabilistically remove all work activities from a person
policy_unemployment_and_furlough = PersonPolicy(RemoveActivity(["work"]), PersonProbability(0.1))
hhld_apply(smiths, PersonPolicy(RemoveActivity(["work"]), 1)).plot()
Work from Home¶
Probabilistically remove all work activities from a person
smiths["Steve"].attributes["wfh"] = True
smiths["Steve"].attributes["key_worker"] = False
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["key_worker"] = False
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["key_worker"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["key_worker"] = False
print_attributes(smiths, ["wfh", "key_worker"])
Household: Household: 1 Person: Steve Attributes: wfh: True key_worker: False Person: Hilda Attributes: wfh: False key_worker: False Person: Timmy Attributes: wfh: False key_worker: False Person: Bobby Attributes: wfh: False key_worker: False
conditions = {"key_worker": attribute_False, "wfh": attribute_True}
policy_work_from_home = PersonPolicy(
RemoveActivity(["work"]), PersonProbability(0.5), PersonAttributeFilter(conditions)
smiths, PersonPolicy(RemoveActivity(["work"]), 1, PersonAttributeFilter(conditions))
smiths["Steve"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Steve"].attributes["key_worker"] = True
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Hilda"].attributes["key_worker"] = False
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Timmy"].attributes["key_worker"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["wfh"] = False
smiths["Bobby"].attributes["key_worker"] = False
print_attributes(smiths, ["wfh", "key_worker"])
Household: Household: 1 Person: Steve Attributes: wfh: False key_worker: True Person: Hilda Attributes: wfh: False key_worker: False Person: Timmy Attributes: wfh: False key_worker: False Person: Bobby Attributes: wfh: False key_worker: False
smiths, PersonPolicy(RemoveActivity(["work"]), 1, PersonAttributeFilter(conditions))
Reduced Work Activity¶
Probabilistically remove individual work activities from a person
policy_reduced_work_activity = ActivityPolicy(
RemoveActivity(["work"]), ActivityProbability(["work"], 0.2)
hhld_apply(smiths, policy_reduced_work_activity).plot()
Reduce Shared Shopping Activities¶
policy_reduce_shopping_activities = HouseholdPolicy(
ReduceSharedActivity(["shop", "shop_1", "shop_2"]),
ActivityProbability(["shop", "shop_1", "shop_2"], 1),
smiths_shop = hhld_apply(smiths, policy_reduce_shopping_activities)
person_with_shopping = [
p for p in smiths_shop.people.values() if "shop_1" in [act.act for act in p.activities]
Person: Timmy {'age': 18, 'job': 'education', 'gender': 'male', 'wfh': False, 'care_constrained': False, 'key_worker': False} 0: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:00:00:00 --> 08:00:00, duration:8:00:00) 1: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 2: Activity(act:sport, location:b, time:08:05:00 --> 08:55:00, duration:0:50:00) 3: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> a, time:08:55:00 --> 09:00:00, duration:0:05:00) 4: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:09:00:00 --> 10:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 5: Leg(mode:bike, area:a --> b, time:10:00:00 --> 11:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 6: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:11:00:00 --> 13:00:00, duration:2:00:00) 7: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> c, time:13:00:00 --> 13:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 8: Activity(act:shop, location:c, time:13:05:00 --> 13:30:00, duration:0:25:00) 9: Leg(mode:bike, area:c --> b, time:13:30:00 --> 13:35:00, duration:0:05:00) 10: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:13:35:00 --> 15:00:00, duration:1:25:00) 11: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> d, time:15:00:00 --> 15:10:00, duration:0:10:00) 12: Activity(act:leisure, location:d, time:15:10:00 --> 18:00:00, duration:2:50:00) 13: Leg(mode:bike, area:d --> a, time:18:00:00 --> 18:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 14: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:18:20:00 --> 20:00:00, duration:1:40:00) 15: Leg(mode:car, area:a --> b, time:20:00:00 --> 20:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 16: Activity(act:shop_1, location:b, time:20:20:00 --> 20:50:00, duration:0:30:00) 17: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> b, time:20:50:00 --> 21:00:00, duration:0:10:00) 18: Activity(act:shop_2, location:b, time:21:00:00 --> 21:50:00, duration:0:50:00) 19: Leg(mode:car, area:b --> a, time:21:50:00 --> 22:10:00, duration:0:20:00) 20: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:22:10:00 --> 00:00:00, duration:1:50:00)
Move Shopping Activities closer to home¶
policy_move_shopping = PersonPolicy(
MoveActivityTourToHomeLocation(["shop_1", "shop", "shop_2"]),
ActivityProbability(["shop_1", "shop", "shop_2"], 1.0),
smiths_shop = hhld_apply(smiths_shop, policy_move_shopping)
Person: Timmy {'age': 18, 'job': 'education', 'gender': 'male', 'wfh': False, 'care_constrained': False, 'key_worker': False} 0: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:00:00:00 --> 08:00:00, duration:8:00:00) 1: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 2: Activity(act:sport, location:b, time:08:05:00 --> 08:55:00, duration:0:50:00) 3: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> a, time:08:55:00 --> 09:00:00, duration:0:05:00) 4: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:09:00:00 --> 10:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 5: Leg(mode:bike, area:a --> b, time:10:00:00 --> 11:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 6: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:11:00:00 --> 13:00:00, duration:2:00:00) 7: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> c, time:13:00:00 --> 13:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 8: Activity(act:shop, location:c, time:13:05:00 --> 13:30:00, duration:0:25:00) 9: Leg(mode:bike, area:c --> b, time:13:30:00 --> 13:35:00, duration:0:05:00) 10: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:13:35:00 --> 15:00:00, duration:1:25:00) 11: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> d, time:15:00:00 --> 15:10:00, duration:0:10:00) 12: Activity(act:leisure, location:d, time:15:10:00 --> 18:00:00, duration:2:50:00) 13: Leg(mode:bike, area:d --> a, time:18:00:00 --> 18:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 14: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:18:20:00 --> 20:00:00, duration:1:40:00) 15: Leg(mode:car, area:a --> b, time:20:00:00 --> 20:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 16: Activity(act:shop_1, location:b, time:20:20:00 --> 20:50:00, duration:0:30:00) 17: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> b, time:20:50:00 --> 21:00:00, duration:0:10:00) 18: Activity(act:shop_2, location:b, time:21:00:00 --> 21:50:00, duration:0:50:00) 19: Leg(mode:car, area:b --> a, time:21:50:00 --> 22:10:00, duration:0:20:00) 20: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:22:10:00 --> 00:00:00, duration:1:50:00)
Person: Timmy {'age': 18, 'job': 'education', 'gender': 'male', 'wfh': False, 'care_constrained': False, 'key_worker': False} 0: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:00:00:00 --> 08:00:00, duration:8:00:00) 1: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> b, time:08:00:00 --> 08:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 2: Activity(act:sport, location:b, time:08:05:00 --> 08:55:00, duration:0:50:00) 3: Leg(mode:walk, area:b --> a, time:08:55:00 --> 09:00:00, duration:0:05:00) 4: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:09:00:00 --> 10:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 5: Leg(mode:bike, area:a --> b, time:10:00:00 --> 11:00:00, duration:1:00:00) 6: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:11:00:00 --> 13:00:00, duration:2:00:00) 7: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> c, time:13:00:00 --> 13:05:00, duration:0:05:00) 8: Activity(act:shop, location:c, time:13:05:00 --> 13:30:00, duration:0:25:00) 9: Leg(mode:bike, area:c --> b, time:13:30:00 --> 13:35:00, duration:0:05:00) 10: Activity(act:education, location:b, time:13:35:00 --> 15:00:00, duration:1:25:00) 11: Leg(mode:bike, area:b --> d, time:15:00:00 --> 15:10:00, duration:0:10:00) 12: Activity(act:leisure, location:d, time:15:10:00 --> 18:00:00, duration:2:50:00) 13: Leg(mode:bike, area:d --> a, time:18:00:00 --> 18:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 14: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:18:20:00 --> 20:00:00, duration:1:40:00) 15: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:20:00:00 --> 20:20:00, duration:0:20:00) 16: Activity(act:shop_1, location:a, time:20:20:00 --> 20:50:00, duration:0:30:00) 17: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:20:50:00 --> 21:00:00, duration:0:10:00) 18: Activity(act:shop_2, location:a, time:21:00:00 --> 21:50:00, duration:0:50:00) 19: Leg(mode:walk, area:a --> a, time:21:50:00 --> 22:10:00, duration:0:20:00) 20: Activity(act:home, location:a, time:22:10:00 --> 00:00:00, duration:1:50:00)
All together now!¶
population = Population(1)
all_together_pop = apply_policies(