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Methods for cropping plans outside core areas.

create_leg(previous_act, next_act, travel_mode='car') #

Create a leg between two activities.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def create_leg(previous_act: Activity, next_act: Activity, travel_mode: str = "car") -> Leg:
    """Create a leg between two activities."""
    leg = Leg(
    leg.start_location = previous_act.location
    leg.end_location = next_act.location
    # link
    leg.previous = previous_act = next_act
    return leg

crop_leg(leg, boundary) #

Crop a leg to a boundary.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def crop_leg(leg: Leg, boundary: Polygon) -> None:
    """Crop a leg to a boundary."""
    path = get_leg_path(leg)
    path_cropped = path.intersection(boundary)
    start_location, end_location = path_cropped.boundary.geoms
    leg.start_location.loc = start_location
    leg.previous.location.loc = start_location
    leg.end_location.loc = end_location = end_location

crop_plan(plan, kept_activities) #

Crop a plan in a way that exludes any external-external movement (and the corresponding activities). If no plan components are left in scope, the plan will have a single "external" activity.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def crop_plan(plan: Plan, kept_activities: List[Activity]) -> None:
    """Crop a plan in a way that exludes any external-external movement (and the corresponding activities).
    If no plan components are left in scope, the plan will have a single "external" activity.
    if kept_activities:
        day = list(filter(lambda x: filter_component(x, kept_activities),
        day = empty_day() = day

empty_day() #

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def empty_day() -> list:
    day = [
    return day

filter_component(component, kept_activities) #

Check if an activity/leg should be kept.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def filter_component(component, kept_activities: List[Activity]) -> bool:
    """Check if an activity/leg should be kept."""
    if isinstance(component, Activity):
        return component in kept_activities
    elif isinstance(component, Leg):
        return (component.previous in kept_activities) and ( in kept_activities)

get_kept_activities(plan, boundary) #

Get a list of the activities to keep after cropping external-external movements.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def get_kept_activities(plan: Plan, boundary: Polygon) -> list:
    """Get a list of the activities to keep after cropping external-external movements."""
    kept_activities = list()
    for leg in plan.legs:
        if leg_intersects(leg, boundary):
            for act in [leg.previous,]:
                if act not in kept_activities:
    return kept_activities

get_leg_path(leg) #

Get the (euclidean) geometry of a leg.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def get_leg_path(leg: Leg) -> LineString:
    """Get the (euclidean) geometry of a leg."""
    path = LineString([leg.start_location.loc, leg.end_location.loc])
    return path

infill_legs(plan) #

Infill missing legs. If there is no leg between two activities, a new one is created linking them.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def infill_legs(plan: Plan) -> None:
    """Infill missing legs.
    If there is no leg between two activities, a new one is created linking them.
    i = 0
    while i < len( - 1:
        component1 =[i]
        component2 =[i + 1]
        if isinstance(component1, Activity) and isinstance(component2, Activity):
            leg = create_leg(component1, component2)
   + 1, leg)
            i += 1
        i += 1

leg_intersects(leg, boundary) #

Check whether a leg touches an area defined by a boundary.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def leg_intersects(leg: Leg, boundary: Polygon) -> bool:
    """Check whether a leg touches an area defined by a boundary."""
    path = get_leg_path(leg)
    return path.intersects(boundary)

Link a plan: each activity/leg gets a pointer to the previous/next plan component.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def link_plan(plan: Plan) -> None:
    """Link a plan: each activity/leg gets a pointer to the previous/next plan component."""
    plan_list = list(plan)
    act_list = list(plan.activities)
    leg_list = list(plan.legs)

    for i, p in enumerate(plan_list): = list_get(plan_list, i + 1)
        p.previous = list_get(plan_list, i - 1)

    for i, p in enumerate(act_list):
        p.next_act = list_get(act_list, i + 1)
        p.previous_act = list_get(act_list, i - 1)

    for i, p in enumerate(leg_list):
        p.start_hour = p.start_time.hour
        p.next_leg = list_get(leg_list, i + 1)
        p.previous_leg = list_get(leg_list, i - 1)
        p.start_location = p.previous.location
        p.end_location =

Link the plan components of every agent in the population.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def link_population(population: Population) -> None:
    """Link the plan components of every agent in the population."""
    for hid, pid, person in population.people():

list_get(list_to_access, idx) #

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def list_get(list_to_access, idx):
    if idx < len(list_to_access) and idx >= 0:
        return list_to_access[idx]
        return None

rename_external(plan, boundary) #

Rename all external-area activities as "external".

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def rename_external(plan: Plan, boundary: Polygon) -> None:
    """Rename all external-area activities as "external"."""
    for act in plan.activities:
        if not boundary.contains(act.location.loc):
            act.act = "external"

simplify_external_plans(plan, boundary, snap_to_boundary=False, rename_external_activities=False) #

Simplify any activities happening outside the boundary area.

  1. Identify which legs touch the boundary area
  2. Keep the relevant legs/activities and drop the remaining components
  3. Infill: create any new legs between external activities as necessary
  4. Ensure plan consistency: start/end times, sequences, etc
  5. optional Rename activities to "external"
  6. optional Crop the leg geometries to start/stop at the core area boundaries

a PAM plan

TYPE: Plan


the geometry of the core modelled area

TYPE: Polygon


whether to crop legs to stop at the core area boundary. Defaults to False.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


whether to rename all external-area activities as "external" Defaults to False.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def simplify_external_plans(
    plan: Plan,
    boundary: Polygon,
    snap_to_boundary: bool = False,
    rename_external_activities: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Simplify any activities happening outside the boundary area.

     1. Identify which legs touch the boundary area
     2. Keep the relevant legs/activities and drop the remaining components
     3. Infill: create any new legs between external activities as necessary
     4. Ensure plan consistency: start/end times, sequences, etc
     5. **optional** Rename activities to "external"
     6. **optional** Crop the leg geometries to start/stop at the core area boundaries

      plan (Plan): a PAM plan
      boundary (Polygon): the geometry of the core modelled area
      snap_to_boundary (bool, optional): whether to crop legs to stop at the core area boundary. Defaults to False.
      rename_external_activities (bool, optional): whether to rename all external-area activities as "external" Defaults to False.

    kept_activities = get_kept_activities(plan, boundary)  # activities to keep
    crop_plan(plan, kept_activities)  # drop external plan components
    infill_legs(plan)  # infill with any new legs if required
    stretch_times(plan)  # fix plan time boundaries
    link_plan(plan)  # re-link plan components
    if rename_external_activities:
        rename_external(plan, boundary)  # rename activities to "external"
    if snap_to_boundary:
        for leg in plan.legs:
            crop_leg(leg, boundary)  # crop leg geometry

simplify_population(population, boundary, snap_to_boundary=False, rename_external_activities=False) #

Simplify external plans across a population.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def simplify_population(
    population: str,
    boundary: str,
    snap_to_boundary: bool = False,
    rename_external_activities: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Simplify external plans across a population."""
    # simplify plans
    for hid, pid, person in population.people():
        simplify_external_plans(person.plan, boundary, snap_to_boundary, rename_external_activities)

    # remove empty person-plans and households
    remove_persons = []
    for hid, pid, person in population.people():
        if len(person.plan) == 1 and[0].act == "external":
            remove_persons.append((hid, pid))
    for hid, pid in remove_persons:
        del population[hid].people[pid]

    remove_hhs = [
        hid for hid in population.households if len(population.households[hid].people) == 0
    for hid in remove_hhs:
        del population.households[hid]

stretch_times(plan) #

Extend start/end activity times to the start/end of day.

Source code in src/pam/operations/
def stretch_times(plan: Plan) -> None:
    """Extend start/end activity times to the start/end of day."""[0].start_time = START_OF_DAY[-1].end_time = END_OF_DAY