Applying a location and mode choice model to populations¶
This notebook applies a simple location and mode choice model to a PAM population.
The pam.planner.choice.ChoiceMNL
class allows the user to apply an MNL specification for selecting the location of activities and the mode for accessing them, given person characteristics, network conditions and/or zone attraction data.
The typical workflow goes as follows:
choice_model = ChoiceMNL(population, od, zones) # initialize the model and point to the data objects
choice_model.configure(u, scope) # configure the model by specifying a utility function and the scope of application.
choice_model.apply() # apply the model and update the population with the results.
import logging
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from pam.operations.cropping import link_population
from pam.planner import choice_location as choice
from pam.planner.od import ODFactory, ODMatrix
from import read_matsim
/var/folders/6n/0h9tynqn581fxsytcc863h94tm217b/T/ipykernel_95065/ DeprecationWarning: Pyarrow will become a required dependency of pandas in the next major release of pandas (pandas 3.0), (to allow more performant data types, such as the Arrow string type, and better interoperability with other libraries) but was not found to be installed on your system. If this would cause problems for you, please provide us feedback at import pandas as pd
We read an example population, and set the location of all activities to zone a
population = read_matsim(os.path.join("..", "tests", "test_data", "test_matsim_plansv12.xml"))
for _hid, _pid, person in population.people():
for act in person.activities:
act.location.area = "a"
def print_activity_locs(population, act_scope="work"):
summary = PrettyTable(["pid", "seq", "location", "mode"])
for _hid, pid, person in population.people():
for seq, act in enumerate(person.plan.activities):
if (act.act == act_scope) or (act_scope == "all"):
trmode = act.previous.mode if act.previous is not None else "NA"
summary.add_row([pid, seq, act.location.area, trmode])
print("Work locations and travel modes:")
print_activity_locs(population, act_scope="work")
Work locations and travel modes: +--------+-----+----------+------+ | pid | seq | location | mode | +--------+-----+----------+------+ | chris | 1 | a | car | | fatema | 1 | a | bike | | fred | 3 | a | walk | | gerry | 3 | a | walk | | nick | 1 | a | car | +--------+-----+----------+------+
Our zones
dataset includes destination attraction data, for example the number of jobs or schools in each likely destination zone:
data_zones = pd.DataFrame({"zone": ["a", "b"], "jobs": [100, 200], "schools": [3, 1]}).set_index(
jobs | schools | |
zone | ||
a | 100 | 3 |
b | 200 | 1 |
The od
object holds origin-destination data, for example travel time and travel distance between each origin and destination, for each travel mode:
zone_labels = ("a", "b")
od = ODFactory.from_matrices(
ODMatrix("time", "car", zone_labels, zone_labels, np.array([[20, 40], [40, 20]])),
ODMatrix("time", "bus", zone_labels, zone_labels, np.array([[30, 45], [45, 30]])),
ODMatrix("distance", "car", zone_labels, zone_labels, np.array([[5, 8], [8, 5]])),
ODMatrix("distance", "bus", zone_labels, zone_labels, np.array([[5, 9], [9, 5]])),
Origin-destination dataset -------------------------------------------------- Labels(vars=['time', 'distance'], origin_zones=('a', 'b'), destination_zones=('a', 'b'), mode=['car', 'bus']) -------------------------------------------------- time - car: [[20. 40.] [40. 20.]] -------------------------------------------------- time - bus: [[30. 45.] [45. 30.]] -------------------------------------------------- distance - car: [[5. 8.] [8. 5.]] -------------------------------------------------- distance - bus: [[5. 9.] [9. 5.]] --------------------------------------------------
The dimensions of the od
object are always (in order): variables
, origin zone
, destination zone
, and mode
. It can be sliced using the respective labels under od.labels
, for example:
od["time", "a", "b", "bus"]
Choice model¶
planner = choice.ChoiceMNL(population, od, data_zones)
INFO:pam.planner.choice_location:Updated model configuration
INFO:pam.planner.choice_location:ChoiceConfiguration(u=None, scope=None, func_probabilities=<function calculate_mnl_probabilities at 0x12a98dea0>, func_sampling=<function sample_weighted at 0x12a98de10>)
We configure the model by specifying:
- the scope of the model. For example, work activities.
- the utility formulation of each alternative.
Both settings are defined as strings. The stings may comprise mathematical operators, coefficients, planner data objects (od
/ zones
), and/or PAM population objects (person
/ act
Coefficients can be passed either as a number, or as a list, with each element in the list corresponding to one of the modes in the od
scope = "act.act=='work'"
asc = [0, -1] # one value for each mode, 0->car, -1->
asc_shift_poor = [0, 2] # one value for each mode
beta_time = [-0.05, -0.07] # one value for each mode
beta_zones = 0.4
u = f""" \
{asc} + \
(np.array({asc_shift_poor}) * (person.attributes['subpopulation']=='poor')) + \
({beta_time} * od['time', person.home.area]) + \
({beta_zones} * np.log(zones['jobs']))
planner.configure(u=u, scope=scope)
INFO:pam.planner.choice_location:Updated model configuration
INFO:pam.planner.choice_location:ChoiceConfiguration(u="[0,-1]+(np.array([0,2])*(person.attributes['subpopulation']=='poor'))+([-0.05,-0.07]*od['time',person.home.area])+(0.4*np.log(zones['jobs']))\n", scope="act.act=='work'", func_probabilities=<function calculate_mnl_probabilities at 0x12a98dea0>, func_sampling=<function sample_weighted at 0x12a98de10>)
The .get_choice_set()
provides with with the utilities of each alternative, as perceived by each agent.
choice_set = planner.get_choice_set()
print("Activities in scope: \n", choice_set.idxs)
print("\nAlternatives: \n", choice_set.choice_labels)
print("\nChoice set utilities: \n", choice_set.u_choices)
Activities in scope: [ChoiceIdx(pid='chris', hid='chris', seq=1, act=<pam.activity.Activity object at 0x12a9af700>), ChoiceIdx(pid='fatema', hid='fatema', seq=1, act=<pam.activity.Activity object at 0x12a9afaf0>), ChoiceIdx(pid='fred', hid='fred', seq=3, act=<pam.activity.Activity object at 0x12a9925f0>), ChoiceIdx(pid='gerry', hid='gerry', seq=3, act=<pam.activity.Activity object at 0x12a9902e0>), ChoiceIdx(pid='nick', hid='nick', seq=1, act=<pam.activity.Activity object at 0x12a992560>)] Alternatives: [ChoiceLabel(destination='a', mode='car'), ChoiceLabel(destination='a', mode='bus'), ChoiceLabel(destination='b', mode='car'), ChoiceLabel(destination='b', mode='bus')] Choice set utilities: [[ 0.84206807 -1.25793193 0.11932695 -2.03067305] [ 0.84206807 0.74206807 0.11932695 -0.03067305] [ 0.84206807 0.74206807 0.11932695 -0.03067305] [ 0.84206807 0.74206807 0.11932695 -0.03067305] [ 0.84206807 -1.25793193 0.11932695 -2.03067305]]
The .apply()
method samples from the alternatives, and updates the location and mode of each activity accordingly:
print("Sampled choices: \n", planner._selections.selections)
INFO:pam.planner.choice_location:Applying choice model...
INFO:pam.planner.choice_location:Configuration: ChoiceConfiguration(u="[0,-1]+(np.array([0,2])*(person.attributes['subpopulation']=='poor'))+([-0.05,-0.07]*od['time',person.home.area])+(0.4*np.log(zones['jobs']))\n", scope="act.act=='work'", func_probabilities=<function calculate_mnl_probabilities at 0x12a98dea0>, func_sampling=<function sample_weighted at 0x12a98de10>)
INFO:pam.planner.choice_location:Choice model application complete.
Sampled choices: [ChoiceLabel(destination='b', mode='car'), ChoiceLabel(destination='b', mode='car'), ChoiceLabel(destination='a', mode='bus'), ChoiceLabel(destination='a', mode='car'), ChoiceLabel(destination='a', mode='car')]
The population's activity locations and travel modes have now been updated accordingly:
+--------+-----+----------+------+ | pid | seq | location | mode | +--------+-----+----------+------+ | chris | 1 | b | car | | fatema | 1 | b | car | | fred | 3 | a | bus | | gerry | 3 | a | car | | nick | 1 | a | car | +--------+-----+----------+------+