CLI Reference#
This page provides documentation for our command line tools.
- to get a summary or a MATSim plans file:
pam report summary tests/test_data/test_matsim_plansv12.xml
. - plan cropping:
pam crop <path_population_xml> <path_core_area_geojson> <path_output_directory>
. - down/up-sampling an xml population:
pam sample <path_population_xml> <path_output_directory> -s <sample_percentage> -v <matsim_version>
. For example, you can use:pam sample tests/test_data/test_matsim_plansv12.xml tests/test_data/output/sampled -s 0.1
to create a downsampled (to 10%) version of the input (test_matsim_plansv12.xml
) population. - combining populations:
pam combine <input_population_1> <input_population_2> <input_population_3...etc> -o <outpath_directory> -m <comment> -v <matsim_version>
Population Activity Modeller (PAM) Command Line Tool.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
--version |
boolean | Show the version and exit. | False |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam combine#
Combine multiple populations (e.g. household, freight.. etc).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
-d , --debug |
boolean | Switch on debug verbosity. | False |
--keep_non_selected / --selected_only |
boolean | Optionally keep (read and write) non selected plans. | False |
--leg_route / --no_leg_route |
boolean | Optionally turn off reading of leg_route. | True |
--leg_attributes / --no_leg_attributes |
boolean | Optionally turn of reading of leg_attributes. | True |
--crop / --no_crop |
boolean | Crop or don't crop plans to 24 hours, defaults to no_crop. | False |
--autocomplete / --no_autocomplete |
boolean | Optionally turn off autocomplete, not recommended. | True |
--simplify_pt_trips |
boolean | Optionally simplify transit legs into single trip. | False |
--household_key , -h |
text | Household key, such as 'hid', default None. | None |
--matsim_version , -v |
integer | MATSim plan format, default 12. | 12 |
--comment , -c |
text | A comment included in the output population. | `` |
--population_output , -o |
path | Specify outpath for combined_population.xml, default is cwd | combined_population.xml |
--force , -f |
boolean | Forces overwrite of existing file. | False |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam crop#
Crop a population's plans outside a core area.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
-d , --debug |
boolean | Switch on debug verbosity. | False |
--keep_non_selected / --selected_only |
boolean | Optionally keep (read and write) non selected plans. | False |
--leg_route / --no_leg_route |
boolean | Optionally turn off reading of leg_route. | True |
--leg_attributes / --no_leg_attributes |
boolean | Optionally turn of reading of leg_attributes. | True |
--crop / --no_crop |
boolean | Crop or don't crop plans to 24 hours, defaults to no_crop. | False |
--autocomplete / --no_autocomplete |
boolean | Optionally turn off autocomplete, not recommended. | True |
--simplify_pt_trips |
boolean | Optionally simplify transit legs into single trip. | False |
--household_key , -h |
text | Household key, such as 'hid', default None. | None |
--matsim_version , -v |
integer | MATSim plan format, default 12. | 12 |
--comment , -c |
text | A comment included in the output population. | `` |
--buffer , -b |
integer | A buffer distance to (optionally) apply to the core area shapefile. | 0 |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam report#
Various reporting for MATSim formatted plans.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam report benchmarks#
Write batch of benchmarks to directory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
--sample_size , -s |
float | Input sample size. Default 1. Required for downsampled populations. eg, use 0.1 for a 10% input population. | 1 |
-d , --debug |
boolean | Switch on debug verbosity. | False |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam report stringify#
ASCII plot activity plans to terminal.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
--colour / --bw |
boolean | Choose a colour or grey-scale (bw) output, default 'colour' | True |
--width , -w |
integer | Target character width for plot, default 72 | 72 |
--simplify_pt_trips |
boolean | Optionally simplify transit legs into single trip. | False |
--crop / --no_crop |
boolean | Crop or don't crop plans to 24 hours, defaults to crop. | True |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam report summary#
Summarise a population.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
-d , --debug |
boolean | Switch on debug verbosity. | False |
--keep_non_selected / --selected_only |
boolean | Optionally keep (read and write) non selected plans. | False |
--leg_route / --no_leg_route |
boolean | Optionally turn off reading of leg_route. | True |
--leg_attributes / --no_leg_attributes |
boolean | Optionally turn of reading of leg_attributes. | True |
--crop / --no_crop |
boolean | Crop or don't crop plans to 24 hours, defaults to no_crop. | False |
--autocomplete / --no_autocomplete |
boolean | Optionally turn off autocomplete, not recommended. | True |
--simplify_pt_trips |
boolean | Optionally simplify transit legs into single trip. | False |
--household_key , -h |
text | Household key, such as 'hid', default None. | None |
--matsim_version , -v |
integer | MATSim plan format, default 12. | 12 |
--sample_size , -s |
float | Input sample size. Default 1. For example, use 0.1 to apply a 10% weighting to the input population. | 1 |
--attribute_key , -k |
text | Optional population attribute key to segment output, eg 'subpopulation'. | None |
--rich / --text |
boolean | Formatted (for terminal) or regular text output (for .txt). | True |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam sample#
Down- or up-sample a PAM population.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
-d , --debug |
boolean | Switch on debug verbosity. | False |
--keep_non_selected / --selected_only |
boolean | Optionally keep (read and write) non selected plans. | False |
--leg_route / --no_leg_route |
boolean | Optionally turn off reading of leg_route. | True |
--leg_attributes / --no_leg_attributes |
boolean | Optionally turn of reading of leg_attributes. | True |
--crop / --no_crop |
boolean | Crop or don't crop plans to 24 hours, defaults to no_crop. | False |
--autocomplete / --no_autocomplete |
boolean | Optionally turn off autocomplete, not recommended. | True |
--simplify_pt_trips |
boolean | Optionally simplify transit legs into single trip. | False |
--household_key , -h |
text | Household key, such as 'hid', default None. | None |
--matsim_version , -v |
integer | MATSim plan format, default 12. | 12 |
--comment , -c |
text | A comment included in the output population. | `` |
--sample_size , -s |
text | The sample size, eg, use 0.1 to produce a 10% version of the input population. | None |
--household_key , -h |
text | Household key, defaults to 'hid'. | hid |
--seed |
text | Random seed. | None |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam snap-facilities#
Snap facilities to a network geometry.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
--link_id_field , -f |
text | The link ID field to use in the network shapefile. Defaults to 'id'. | id |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam wipe-all-links#
Clear all link information from agent plans. Including routes and activity locations.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
-d , --debug |
boolean | Switch on debug verbosity. | False |
--keep_non_selected / --selected_only |
boolean | Optionally keep (read and write) non selected plans. | False |
--leg_route / --no_leg_route |
boolean | Optionally turn off reading of leg_route. | True |
--leg_attributes / --no_leg_attributes |
boolean | Optionally turn of reading of leg_attributes. | True |
--crop / --no_crop |
boolean | Crop or don't crop plans to 24 hours, defaults to no_crop. | False |
--autocomplete / --no_autocomplete |
boolean | Optionally turn off autocomplete, not recommended. | True |
--simplify_pt_trips |
boolean | Optionally simplify transit legs into single trip. | False |
--household_key , -h |
text | Household key, such as 'hid', default None. | None |
--matsim_version , -v |
integer | MATSim plan format, default 12. | 12 |
--comment , -c |
text | A comment included in the output population. | `` |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |
pam wipe-links#
Clear selected link information from agent plans. Includes routes and activity locations.
eg: pam wipe-links INPUT_PLANS.xml OUTPUT_PLANS.xml link_a link_b link_c
Name | Type | Description | Default |
-d , --debug |
boolean | Switch on debug verbosity. | False |
--keep_non_selected / --selected_only |
boolean | Optionally keep (read and write) non selected plans. | False |
--leg_route / --no_leg_route |
boolean | Optionally turn off reading of leg_route. | True |
--leg_attributes / --no_leg_attributes |
boolean | Optionally turn of reading of leg_attributes. | True |
--crop / --no_crop |
boolean | Crop or don't crop plans to 24 hours, defaults to no_crop. | False |
--autocomplete / --no_autocomplete |
boolean | Optionally turn off autocomplete, not recommended. | True |
--simplify_pt_trips |
boolean | Optionally simplify transit legs into single trip. | False |
--household_key , -h |
text | Household key, such as 'hid', default None. | None |
--matsim_version , -v |
integer | MATSim plan format, default 12. | 12 |
--comment , -c |
text | A comment included in the output population. | `` |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |