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OSMOX config schema#

Schema for the OSMOX config JSON file.

  • $schema (string): Reference to OSMOX schema (URL or filepath). Setting this value will enable your IDE to highlight issues with your configuration.

  • filter (object, required): Filter OSM data to consider only these tags. Cannot contain additional properties.

    • ^\w+$ (array): List of tag values to filter. If all values should be used, use the '*' wildcard value.

      • Items (string)
  • object_features (array, required): Features of filtered OSM objects to keep in final facility dataset.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["area", "levels", "floor_area", "units", "transit_distance"].
  • distance_to_nearest (array): For every facility, add distance to nearest activity for every activity in this list. Each activity distance will be provided as a new data column.

    • Items (string)
  • default_tags (array): For any filtered OSM object without any tags, use these tags as default.

    • Items (array): Tag [key, value] pairs. Length must be equal to 2.

      • Items (string)
  • activity_mapping (object, required): Map filtered OSM objects to OSMOX activities. Cannot contain additional properties.

    • ^\w+$ (object): OSM tag key name. Cannot contain additional properties.

      • ^(\*|\w+)$ (array): Key: OSM object tag values, Value: list of activities to map to. If all tag values should be mapped to the same activities, use the * wildcard as the key.

        • Items (string)
  • fill_missing_activities (array): Fill tagged areas found in OSM with points according to a given method.

    • Items (object): Activity filling configuration. Filling will take place in the order they are placed in the list. Cannot contain additional properties.

      • All of

      • area_tags (array, required): Key:value pairs to filter on for infilling, often land use area tags (e.g. ['landuse', 'residential']. Length must be at least 1. Default: ["landuse", "residential"].

        • Items (array): Tag [key, value] pairs. Length must be equal to 2.

          • Items (string)
      • required_acts: Single activity or list of activities to look for in the filtered area. If present, infilling will not be undertaken (see max_existing_acts_fraction to set a threshold for when the presence of required activities will stop infilling). Default: ["home"].

        • One of

          • string: Activity name.

          • array: Activity names. Length must be at least 1.

            • Items (string)
      • new_tags (array, required): New OSM tags to assign to infilled facilities. These will be used to map to OSMOX activities using activity_mapping. Default: ["building", "house"].

        • Items (array): Tag [key, value] pairs. Length must be equal to 2.

          • Items (string)
      • size (array): Footprint of infilled facilities as [length/x, width/y] values, extending from the bottom-left of each point. Will be used to define the area feature of the infilled facilities. Length must be equal to 2. Default: [10, 10].

        • Items (number): Exclusive minimum: 0.
      • spacing (array): Spacing between infilled facilities as [length/x, width/y] values from the bottom-left of each point. Will only be used if fill_method is spacing. Length must be equal to 2. Default: [25, 25].

        • Items (number): Exclusive minimum: 0.
      • fill_method (string): Choice of infilling method. spacing will space infilled points evenly across each filtered area. point_source will use a user-defined dataset of points (e.g. addresses) to infill. Must be one of: ["spacing", "point_source"]. Default: "spacing".

      • point_source (string): Path to geospatial dataset of points to use for infilling. Can be any format in [geparquet, geojson, geopackage]. Will only be used if fill_method is point_source.

      • max_existing_acts_fraction (number): Fraction of filtered area that can be occupied by existing required activities (given in required_acts) before infilling of that area will be skipped. Uses the area feature of facilities or the area inferred by size, if the facility is given only be a point. Minimum: 0. Default: 0.