Quick Start#
Extract home
, work
, education
, shop
and various other activity locations ("facilities") for the Isle of Man, using the following steps (paths is given from OSMOX project root):
First download isle-of-man-latest.osm.pbf
from geofabrik and place in an example
Then run:
osmox run configs/example.json example/isle-of-man-latest.osm.pbf example/isle-of-man -f geopackage -crs epsg:27700 -l
After about 30 seconds, you should find the outputs in .gpkg
format in the same example
directory as your OSM input file.
The geopackage file contains locations for the extracted facilities, and each facility includes a number of features with point geometry in the specified crs. If the user specifies a crs other than WGS-84 (EPSG:4326) coordinate reference system (CRS), OSMOX will write an additional file in WGS-84 (EPSG:4326) so that this can be quickly inspected.
is short for --lazy
which helps osmox run a little faster.
If we had saved the output to GeoJSON - a plain text format - it would look like this on inspection:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"id": "13589",
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"activities": "home",
"area": 196,
"distance_to_nearest_education": 816.4434678355371,
"distance_to_nearest_medical": 366.81198701080626,
"distance_to_nearest_shop": 133.12877450643526,
"distance_to_nearest_transit": 122.33125535187033,
"floor_area": 392.0,
"id": 1869954720,
"levels": 2.0,
"units": 1
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [220894.60596542264, 467332.85704661923]