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CLI Reference#

This page provides documentation for our command line tools.


GeNet Command Line Tool.




Name Type Description Default
--version boolean Show the version and exit. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet add-elevation-to-network#

Add elevation data to network nodes, validate it, and calculate link slopes.


genet add-elevation-to-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-el, --elevation path Path to the elevation tif file _required
-nv, --null_value float Value that represents null in the elevation tif file 0.0
-nwe, --no-write_elevation_to_network boolean Do not write node elevation data as attribute to the network True
-nwsn, --no-write_slope_to_network boolean Do not write link slope data as attribute to the network True
-nwsoa, --no-write_slope_to_object_attribute_file boolean Do not write link slope data to object attribute file True
-nsj, --no-save_jsons boolean Do not save elevation and slope dictionaries and report True
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet auto-schedule-fixes#

Script to check and correct, if needed, the speed and headway of services in the schedule.

Checks and corrects for: - zero headways - we check that there are no 0 minute headways. that would mean two of the same trips start at the same time. To correct this we delete one of the trips, treating it as a duplicate. - infinite speeds - We calculate speed between each stop pair for services. We use the declared times at stops and crow-fly distance * 1.3 network factor. This is done also for routed modes like bus to simplify things, as we are only after infinite speeds which will show up whether we use the true route or not. Infinite speeds exist as a consequence of division by zero (time). This is corrected by recalculating the arrival and departure times at the problem stops; the times at other stops are kept the same as much as possible.


genet auto-schedule-fixes [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-s, --schedule path Location of the input schedule.xml file _required
-v, --vehicles path Location of the input vehicles.xml file None
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-vsc, --vehicle_scalings text Comma delimited list of scales for vehicles 1,10
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet generate-standard-outputs#

Generate Standard outputs for a network and/or schedule


genet generate-standard-outputs [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-s, --schedule path Location of the input schedule.xml file None
-v, --vehicles path Location of the input vehicles.xml file None
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet inspect-google-directions-requests-for-network#

Generate Google Directions API requests for a network for inspection


genet inspect-google-directions-requests-for-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-sc, --subset_conditions text Comma delimited list of values to subset the network by using attributes-osm:way:highway network attributes, e.g., primary,motorway} None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet intermodal-access-egress-network#

Process to add access and egress links for PT stops of given modes.

Intended to generate PT schedules to work with SBB extensions in MATSim:


genet intermodal-access-egress-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-s, --schedule path Location of the input schedule.xml file None
-v, --vehicles path Location of the input vehicles.xml file None
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-pm, --pt_modes text Comma delimited list of modes to subset stops of interest. A stop is linked to a mode via a transit route using that stop. Optional, otherwise considers all stops None
-nm, --network_snap_modes text Comma delimited list of modes to subset the network graph. The links from this modal subgraph will be considered for the stop to graph relationship. Two new attributes (per mode) will be added to PT stops:xmodeAccessible = true and accessLinkId_xmode = link_id car
-tm, --teleport_modes text Comma delimited list of (teleported) modes to enable for given PT stops No links will be found for these modes. One new attributes (per mode) will be added to PT stops: xmodeAccessible = true None
-ss, --step_size float In metres. This process finds links in the nearest neighbourhood of a stop. The size of the neighbourhood increases by step_size value each time until it finds links to relate to stops. 25
-dt, --distance_threshold float In metres. This is the limit of how wide the search area for a link can be for each stop. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet make-pt-network#

Create a PT MATSim network


genet make-pt-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file None
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-oc, --osm_config file Location of the config file defining what and how to read from the osm file None
-o, --osm file Location of the osm file None
-gd, --gtfs_day text gtfs day to use in the format YYYYMMDD _required
-g, --gtfs path Location of the gtfs zip file of folder with gtfs text files _required
-pp, --processes integer Number of parallel processes to split process across 1
-sd, --snapping_distance float Distance for snapping network nodes to transit stops 30
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet make-road-only-network#

Create a road-only MATSim network


genet make-road-only-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-oc, --osm_config file Location of the config file defining what and how to read from the osm file _required
-o, --osm file Location of the osm file _required
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-pp, --processes integer Number of parallel processes to split process across 1
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-cc, --connected_components integer Number of connected components within graph for modes walk,bike,car 1
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet reproject-network#

Reproject a MATSim network


genet reproject-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-s, --schedule path Location of the input schedule.xml file None
-v, --vehicles path Location of the input vehicles.xml file None
-pp, --processes integer Number of parallel processes to split process across 1
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-cp, --current_projection text The projection network is currently in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-np, --new_projection text The projection desired, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet scale-vehicles#

Scale PT Schedule vehicles


genet scale-vehicles [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-s, --schedule path Location of the input schedule.xml file None
-v, --vehicles path Location of the input vehicles.xml file None
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-vsc, --vehicle_scalings text Comma delimited list of scales for vehicles 1,10
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet send-google-directions-requests-for-network#

Generate and send Google Directions API requests


genet send-google-directions-requests-for-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-sc, --subset_conditions text Comma delimited list of values to subset the network by using attributes-osm:way:highway network attributes, e.g., primary,motorway} None
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-t, --requests_threshold integer Max number of API requests you are happy to send. If exceeded, will fail without sending any _required
-k, --api_key text Google Directions API key if not using AWS secrets manager None
-sn, --secret_name text Secret name in AWS Secrets manager, if not passing the API key directly None
-rn, --region_name text Region name in AWS, if not passing the API key directly None
-tm, --traffic_model text Google Directions API traffic model to consider when calculating time in traffic for choices. See best_guess
-dp, --departure_time text desired time of departure, in unix time, or now for current traffic conditions now
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet separate-modes-in-network#

Generate new links, each for the use of a singular mode in a MATSim network.

This creates separate modal subgraphs for the given modes. It can be used with MATSim to ensure the two modes do not come in contact.


[out] {"id": "LINK_ID", "modes": {"car", "bike"}, "freespeed": 5, ...}

The new bike link will assume all the same attributes apart from the "modes":
[out] {"id": "bike---LINK_ID", "modes": {"bike"}, "freespeed": 5, ...}

In the case when a link already has a single dedicated mode, it will be replaced aby a link with a new, prefixed ID.
Other links modes will have changed also.
So, any simulation outputs may not be valid with this new network.


genet separate-modes-in-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-m, --modes text Comma delimited list of modes to split from the network _required
-ic, --increase_capacity boolean Sets capacity on detached links to 9999 False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet simplify-network#

Simplify a MATSim network by removing intermediate links from paths


genet simplify-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-s, --schedule path Location of the input schedule.xml file None
-v, --vehicles path Location of the input vehicles.xml file None
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-pp, --processes integer Number of parallel processes to split process across 1
-vsc, --vehicle_scalings text Comma delimited list of scales for vehicles 1,10
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-fc, --force_strongly_connected_graph boolean If True, checks for disconnected subgraphs for modes walk, bike and car. If there are more than one strongly connected subgraph, genet connects them with links at closest points in the graph. The links used to connect are weighted at 20% of surrounding freespeed and capacity values. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet squeeze-external-area#

Changes freespeed and capacity values for links outside of the given study_area by given factors.

To squeeze links within the study area, refer to the squeeze_urban_links command.


genet squeeze-external-area [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-c, --capacity float Factor, e.g. 0.5, to reduce the 'capacity' attribute for the roads being squeezed. The current value will be multiplied by this factor. 1
-f, --freespeed float Factor, e.g. 0.5, to reduce the 'freespeed' attribute for the roads being squeezed. The current value will be multiplied by this factor. 1
-sa, --study_area path Geojson or shp file that when read into geopandas produces a table with a geometry column that describes the area which should be left unaffected by speed and capacity factors. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

Tag minor network links as urban, given geometries: urban_geometries.

Minor links are defined as anything other than: osm way highway tags: motorway, motorway_link, trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link. Urban geometries are passed via geojson input with a specific format, see command arguments for description. Passing study_area subsets the urban geometries and links to be squeezed - only links in the study area will be tagged and squeezed. This is useful if your geometries covers a larger area. The script then reduces capacity and/or freespeed by a factor of current value on those links.

To squeeze links outside the study area, refer to the command.


genet squeeze-urban-links [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
-ug, --urban_geometries path Geojson or shp file that when read into geopandas produces a table with columns: "label" (with at least some of the values in this column being a string: "urban") and "geometry" (polygons defining urban areas) _required
-c, --capacity float Factor, e.g. 0.5, to reduce the 'capacity' attribute for the roads being squeezed. The current value will be multiplied by this factor. 1
-f, --freespeed float Factor, e.g. 0.5, to reduce the 'freespeed' attribute for the roads being squeezed. The current value will be multiplied by this factor. 1
-sa, --study_area path Geojson or shp file that when read into geopandas produces a table with a geometry column that describes the area which should be left unaffected by speed and capacity factors. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

genet validate-network#

Run MATSim specific validation methods on a MATSim network


genet validate-network [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-n, --network path Location of the input network.xml file _required
-s, --schedule path Location of the input schedule.xml file None
-v, --vehicles path Location of the input vehicles.xml file None
-p, --projection text The projection network is in, eg. "epsg:27700" _required
-od, --output_dir directory Output directory _required
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False