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Configuration values#

You will be prompted to fill these values when you create your Python project. If you do not know what value to provide, press enter and a default value will be used.

  • full_name (string): Your full name. Default: "Ove Arup".

  • email (string): Your email address. Default: "".

  • github_username (string): Your GitHub username. Default: "ovearup".

  • project_title (string): The headline name of your new Python package project. This is used in documentation, so spaces and any characters are fine here. Default: "Python Boilerplate".

  • repository_owner (string): The owner of your GitHub repository (referring to e.g., For personal projects, this can be your GitHub username. For Arup projects, this should be arup-group. Default: "arup-group".

  • repository_name (string): Name of the github repository where you will host your project (i.e.,[repository_owner]/[repository_name]). Typically, it is the "slugified" version of project_title (e.g. My software package -> my_software_package) or an abbreviation derived from it (e.g., Population Activity Modeller -> pam). Default: "Lower case equivalent of [project_title] with spaces and dashes (-) replaced with an underscore (_)".

  • package_name (string): The name given to your package. This should be available on package indexing sites (PyPI/Anaconda). Typically, it is the same as the module_name, but if your preferred package name is already taken online, you should rename your project entirely or prepend the package name with e.g. arup-. For example, our PAM package is pam when imported in Python, but cml-pam online. Default: "[repository_name]".

  • module_name (string): The name given to your module in Python. This should be available on package indexing sites (PyPI/Anaconda). Typically, it is the same as the package_name, assuming your preferred package name is available online. This is what users will call when importing your module in Python (e.g. import pam, even though the package name is cml-pam) or when calling your package from the command line (if you have a command line interface). Default: "[repository_name]".

  • project_short_description (string): A 1-sentence description of what your Python package does. Default: "Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.".

  • upload_pip_package (array): Whether to upload the package to PyPI on each release of a new version. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "n".
  • upload_conda_package (array): Whether to upload the package to an Anaconda channel on each release of a new version. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "n".
  • upload_aws_image (array): Whether to upload the repository to AWS to build and host a Docker image of the project. NOTE: requires CodeBuild configuration to be updated separately to have the image built on AWS. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "n".
  • conda_channel (string): Your anaconda channel, if releases of your package will be uploaded to Anaconda. Default: "[github_username]".

  • create_jupyter_notebook_directory (array): If "y", an examples directory will be created in which Jupyter Notebooks can be saved. These notebooks will be rendered in the documentation and will be formatted with Black and Ruff. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "y".
  • check_docs_accessibility_in_CI (array): If "y", documentation will be checked for accessibility, according to the WCAG2AA standard, in Pull Request CI. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "n".
  • command_line_interface (array): If "y", a file will be included in the project source code based on using Click. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "y".
  • create_author_file (array): If "y", create an authors file. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "n".
  • create_docker_file (array): If "y", create an Dockerfile which allows a Docker image of the project to be built in a linux virtual machine with a basic Bash entry-point. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["y", "n"]. Default: "y".
  • project_visibility (array): Set the project visibility on GitHub. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["internal", "public"]. Default: "internal".
  • open_source_license (array): Choose a license. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (string): Must be one of: ["MIT license", "BSD license", "ISC license", "Apache Software License 2.0", "GNU General Public License v3", "Not open source"]. Default: "Not open source".