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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[Unreleased] - TBC#


  • internal project upload option, to index packages on
  • project_visibility option to allow internal projects to be explicitly defined.
  • Human-readable prompts when baking a project (#56).
  • EditorConfig file within template (#50).
  • Documentation accessibility checking (#41).
  • Documentation FAQ in contributing guidelines (#41).
  • Markdown linting as part of CI checks (#61, #62).


  • Pass test result status correctly to slack notification CI action (#59).
  • Silently allowing versions to be prepended with a v in This is now captured by a pre-commit hook.
  • Missing Ruff formatting step in pre-commit config (#51).
  • Template documentation in light of accessibility issues of some features (namely, mkdocs-material annotations and task lists, and mkdocs-jupyter codeblock highlighting) (#41).
  • Triggering of CI linting and codecov upload for internal (i.e. not open-source) projects (#44).


  • Reference to authors in license files/sections.
  • defaults to not being created when baking a project.
  • upload_pypi_package -> upload_pip_package.
  • Recommend conda instead of mamba for project creation and package installation (#53).
  • Docs CI run on PR to main or on main, with different jobs run in each case (#33).
  • Docs/PR CI jobs do not trigger on github workflow changes except their own definition files (#32).
  • Package test parallelisation set to automatically select the number of threads based on those available (#36).
  • Move to exclusively using ruff for code formatting and linting; update to ruff version 0.6 (#43).
  • Cookiecutter config set to have no license for the repository (i.e. internal IP) by default.
  • Make upload and build of Docker image on AWS optional (#42).


  • Reference to authors removed from src/<module-name>/ Authors now limited to pyproject.toml and - optionally -

[v0.2.0] - 09-01-2024#


  • Only run AWS upload job if secrets are defined.


  • Upload to PyPI option.


  • Delete conda recipe if upload to conda is not desired.
  • index_package cookiecutter parameter split into upload_conda_package and upload_pypi_package.
  • Uploading to Anaconda/PyPI defaults to "n".
  • Documentation split into separate pages for setting up and updating projects.

[v0.1.0] - 05-01-2024#

These initial changes are all relative to the original cookiecutter PyPackage repository, of which this is a fork. The list is not exhaustive as many changes have been made.



  • GitHub actions that rely on City Modelling Lab reusable actions.
  • Schema for Cookiecutter input argument config (in cookiecutter.json) + tests added to CI to validate the config and the schema itself.
  • Pre-commit hooks and pre-commit CI
  • Templates for different types of GitHub issues.
  • Cookiecutter contributing guidelines and changelog.
  • Dockerfile to generate basic Docker image from project.
  • Memory profiling test template.
  • Option to include recipe to build project with conda, ready to trigger the appropriate reusable actions to have it built and uploaded to an Anaconda channel (e.g. city-modelling-lab).
  • Option to have a Jupyter Notebook directory (under examples) which will be automatically linted, formatted, tested, and rendered in the documentation.


  • Documentation based on Markdown and MKDocs instead of ReStructured text and Sphinx (for improved readability and simpler configuration).
  • Python project config moved from to pyproject.toml.
  • Differentiating between repository name (for github), package name (for indexing online), and module name (for importing in python). This extends the original use of project_name and project_slug, the latter being difficult to understand.


  • Use of Travis CI.
  • Use of Tox.
  • Upload to PyPi (with a plan to reintroduce this).
  • Possibility to use Argparse for CLI (i.e., Click is now the only option).